大賞Q & A
English Version

English Version
I. Event Description
  The submission period for the 17th (2024) TSC Thesis Competition is from June 5, 2024 (Wednesday) to 5:00 PM, July 31, 2024 (Wednesday). There are two categories: Doctoral Thesis and Master's Thesis. Please review the category descriptions carefully to ensure your research aligns with the specified topics.



Scheduled Time

Registration Stage

Complete the online registration form in the participant portal. The registration deadline is 5 PM, July 31, 2024. Both "online registration" and "PDF paper upload" must be finalized by this deadline, otherwise it will not be considered.

June 5, 2024 (Wed) to July 31, 2024 (Wed) by 5 PM

Qualification Check

The committee will assess the applicant's qualifications and submission materials.

August 1, 2024 (Thu)

First Round of Paper Evaluation

Reviewers from various academic fields will rigorously evaluate the submitted papers.

August 2, 2024 (Fri) to August 21, 2024 (Wed)

Second Round of Paper Evaluation

Reviewers will conduct a second-round in-depth review of the selected papers.

August 23, 2024 (Fri) to September 18, 2024 (Wed)

Finalist Announcement

The organizers will announce the list of finalists on the official website. Please note that non-selected participants will not receive individual notifications.

September 20, 2024 (Fri) by 5 PM

Final Round: Oral Presentation

Finalists must attend in person to present their papers and engage in a Q&A session. Absence from the final round will result in a downgrade to the Competitive Award .

October 5, 2024 (Sat)

Awards Ceremony

Award Ceremony will be hosted at the 10th Floor International Conference Hall of the Grand Hotel Taipei, on November 9, 2024

November 9, 2024 (Sat)

※The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, or suspend this event. Any matters not covered herein will be handled by the relevant regulations or interpretations of the organizer and may be supplemented and announced at any time.

II. Categories
1. PhD Dissertation Award
(1)   Eligibility
Recent doctorial graduates and those who graduated in the previous year from relevant departments of universities and colleges nationwide, regardless of nationality.
(2)   Thesis Categories
(1) Business Management (Digital Transformation, Business Management, Marketing, Finance, Strategic Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, etc.)
(2) Economic Development (Economic Policy, Industrial Development, Semiconductor Industry, Global Economic Landscape, etc.)
(3) AI and Information Technology (Industrial Applications and Management Issues of AI Technology)
(4) Sustainable Management (ESG Technology and Management Issues)
(5) Biotechnology and Healthcare (Biotechnology Industry, Medical and Health Industry Technology and Management Issues)
(3)   Evaluation Criteria
(1) Practical Value and Significance of the Research Topic
(2) Accuracy and Rigor of Research Methodology
(3) Coherence and Structural Integrity of the Dissertation
(4) Emphasis on Academic Contribution and Practical Application Value of Research Results, as well as Practical Contributions to Management
2. Master's Thesis Award
(1)   Eligibility
Recent master graduates and those who graduated in the previous year from relevant departments of universities and colleges nationwide, regardless of nationality.
(2)   Thesis Categories
(1) Business Management (Digital Transformation, Business Management, Marketing, Finance, Strategic Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, etc.)
(2) Economic Development (Economic Policy, Industrial Development, Semiconductor Industry, Global Economic Landscape, etc.)
(3) AI and Information Technology (Industrial Applications and Management Issues of AI Technology)
(4) Sustainable Management (ESG Technology and Management Issues)
(5) Biotechnology and Healthcare (Biotechnology Industry, Medical and Health Industry Technology and Management Issues)
(3)   Evaluation Criteria
(1) Originality and Practical Value of the Research Topic
(2) Accuracy of Research Methodology
(3) Coherence and Structural Integrity of the
(4) Emphasis on Practical Improvement and Managerial Application Value of Research Findings
III. Registration Process

(1)Choose Participation Category

Master's Thesis /PhD Dissertation
Eligibility: Recent graduates and those who graduated in the previous year from relevant departments of universities and colleges nationwide, regardless of nationality.

(2) Fill Out Registration Information

1. Ensure your email address is accurate to receive the activation email.
2. Provide valid phone numbers and addresses to ensure important information can reach you.

(3) Receive Activation Email→ Log in to Participant Portal

1. Use the account and password provided in the email to log in to the participant area.
2. Before the registration deadline, you can update your registration information and thesis files online.

(4) Complete Thesis Writing

1. Content format: Follow the thesis format guidelines (Format of the paper).
2. Anonymization: Do not include the name of the university, advisors, participants, or university logos (including in the questionnaire).
3. Page limits: Maximum of 30 pages.
※ Theses exceeding the page limit will not be considered for review.
※ The page limit does not include the cover page but does include references and appendices.

(5) Upload PDF of Thesis

Upload the thesis to the participant portal before the system closes.
※ The thesis number serves as a reference for future inquiries; please ensure to keep it safe.

※The number of your paper is the basis for future contestants' enquiries. Please keep it.

IV. Awards
1. PhD Thesis Group
(1)   Outstanding Dissertation Award: Up to 2 recipients.
Prize: NT$120,000 (NT$60,000 for the student, NT$60,000 for the advisor), a trophy, and a certificate of merit.
(2)   Excellence in Dissertation Award: Up to 4 recipients.
Prize: A medal and a certificate of merit.
(3)   Competitive Thesis Award: Top 10-15% in the written review stage.
Prize: A certificate of merit.
2. Master's Thesis Group
(1)   Outstanding Thesis Award: Up to 10 recipients.
Prize: NT$50,000 (NT$25,000 for the student, NT$25,000 for the advisor), a trophy, and a certificate of merit.
(2)   Excellence in Thesis Award: Up to 35 recipients.
Prize: A medal and a certificate of merit.
(3)   Competitive Thesis Award: Top 10-15% in the written review stage.
Prize: A certificate of merit.

Total Prize Money: Up to NT$740,000;
Total Number of Awards: Up to 125 recipients.

IV. Register Now
(PhD) (Master)
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